Wisteria a Precursor to Summer

Wisteria a Precursor to Summer
Summer Can Not Be Far Behind

Monday, May 30, 2011

Project Dal Summer 2011

I have started for the first time my blog and designing a knitted shawl.  What was I thinking?  Well, it just feels good to do something for me. 
During the day I am a caregiver for my grandmother but the nice thing is that I get alot of time between conversing with her and making meals to do what I like best and that is to knit or crochet.  Already I have made 3 dresses for my granddaughter who was born on December 8, 2011, a blanket, as well as a bonnet.  I have done several watchman caps this winter, a cowl scarf, and a shoulder shawl.  So you can see I have been busy. As well as being a tester for a knitting project just a few weeks ago.
Now this new venture is in designing a step that at first I would not of thought to try, but I am slowly getting my feet wet.  I am doing written instructions, as well as a diagram for the design.  Boy, moving an idea from your head to paper is a little frustrating.
I will be updating my project here for the world to see as they say.  Please feel free to post on my progress.